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One of the activists of comics development in Armenia, Levon Gyulkhasyan was involved in works of the French Association pour la Promotion de la Bande Dessinée en Arménie (APBDA) and a participant of exhibitions, workshops, and anthologies.
In a team, he took part in 24-hour Comics in Angouleme, France, which he then introduced in Armenia.
With friends, Levon launched weekly comics making workshops in Armenia using constraint as a means of advancing comic creation. After moving to the United States, he continues this activity in Boston.
He also was an initiator of Jumbo Loop Comics. Seven of this 90 feet-long strips were installed outdoor in public spaces in Armenia and France. During annual Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo (MICE) he makes indoor variation of Jumbo Comics enabling exhibition participants mutually do a giant strip.
He contributed to two Boston Round Table (BCR) anthologies and currently is finishing a graphic novel about WW2.
Levon is a certified Boston artist, member of Boston Comics Roundtable and Actual Art, Armenia. He lives in Lexington, Massachusetts together with his family.
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